//How can psoriasis benefit from Aurvedic medicine?

How can psoriasis benefit from Aurvedic medicine?

Hello and can I interest you in some Dhatryadhyo lepa, Navayasa Rasayana leha, and Medhya Rasayana?

These are all compounds used in Aurvedic medicine, one of the world’s oldest medical systems. These treatments were found to provide a highly significant improvement in life quality of psoriasis patients. Ayurveda originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. Although Ayurvedic medicine is not considered as part of conventional (Western) medicine, India’s government and other institutes around the world support clinical and laboratory research on Ayurvedic medicine, within the context of the Eastern belief system.

Because western medicine does not have a cure for psoriasis, we will venture into Ayurveda to look at recent research into treatments for ‘Eka Kushtha’, a name with a nicer tone used to describe psoriasis.

The aim of the research study was to evaluate how effective two separate Ayurveda treatments are in improving the Quality of Life in patients of psoriasis.

Study group A used Navayasa Rasayana leha and Dhatryadhyo lepa 

Study group B used Medhya Rasayana tablet and Dhatryadhyo lepa 

Navayasa Rasayana leha 

The ingredients in the trial drug Navayasa Rasayana leha are Dhatri, Aksha, Haritaki, Vidanga, Chitraka, Shuddha Bhallataka, Bakuchi, Loha bhasma, Bhrungraj and Tila Taila. The fine powder of this concoction was licked in combination with Tila Taila (sesame oil).

Dhatryadhyo lepa

The Dhatryadhyo lepa used for local application onto the psoriatic skin in both the groups has ingredients like Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki. The fine powder of the drugs was again mixed with Tila Taila and then applied to the skin. 

Medhya Rasayana 

Medhya Rasayana tablet contains Vacha, Haritaki, Jatamansi, Jyotishmati, Yashtimadhu, Shuddha Bhallataka, Guduchi, Brahmi and Shankhpushphi.

While the names may be confusing, the results of both tests are pretty clear

The test patients chosen for this research were aged between 13 and 70, all with signs and symptoms of psoriasis. The study was sure to exclude anyone with Diabetes Mellitus, Cancer, AIDS, TB, and other skin diseases like seborrhic dermatitis, lichen simplex chronicus and similar complicating ailments.

The test results showed that over 3 months highly significant relief has been reported for all patients in the Daily Life Quality Index (DLQI) areas of their life that involve daily activities, work or school, personal relationships, leisure and ease of treatment.  

Study Group A (45 patients) who used Navayasa Rasayana leha and Dhatryadhyo lepa treatment showed 70% relief on the DLQI.

Study Group B (49 patients) who used Medhya Rasayana tablet and Dhatryadhyo lepa treatment showed 68% relief on the DLQI.

Diet during treatments

Ayurvedic medicine embraces the whole of the body, mind and sole and is centred around disease originating from the mental condition of the patient. Because of this sensible holistic approach, the patients in this study were strictly advised to follow the Pathyapathya of Kushtha roga. Pathyapathya  is an Ayurvedic diet which prescribes wholesome foods for the body and mind to include, and foods to avoid.  In this case the diet is specific to skin disease, or Kushtha roga.

Lesson to be learnt from culture

Researching traditional medicines from cultures around the world has opened my thinking beyond the constraints of western medicine. Scientific peer reviewed research is a new thing against a backdrop of the thousands of years traditional medicine has been in practice and its continuous improvements that have evolved with humans and their cultural environment. 

I congratulate you for keeping your eyes and mind open while your skin is aching.


A clinical study of some Ayurvedic compound drugs in the assessment quality of life of patients with Eka Kushtha (psoriasis). Mehta CS, Dave AR, Shukla VD. Ayu. 2011 Jul;32(3):333-9.