
Affirmations for psoriasis

There is an unfortunate yet distinct correlation between the state of our psoriasis and the state of our emotional wellness.  Both trigger one another and we are sometimes unsure which happened first! You may experience…

The value of hope with psoriasis

Sometime the hope of healing is all we have left after exhausting our efforts to control and understand psoriasis. Focussing our attention on the good news stories can help us set our own personal goals…

Obesity is a psoriasis risk factor

There are many reasons why we may experience obesity – some are within and some beyond our control, and somewhere in between. Very much like our control of psoriasis in some ways. The relationship between…

psoriasis mufa and pufa

The fats and carbs we eat affect psoriasis

Studies of psoriasis patients have linked more severe cases of psoriasis with a higher consumption of simple carbohydrates and saturated fats, and with a lower intake of protein, complex carbohydrates, MUFA, PUFA, and fibres. In…