Protecting your child from psoriasis

It is estimated there are at least two hundred million psoriasis patients in the world. That’s 200,000,000 people, or approximately 3% of people around the world who have psoriasis, which is near the most common…

Increased risk of eye disease

People with both mild and severe psoriasis have an increased risk of uveitis, a potentially severe eye inflammation. People with concurrent severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis have the highest risk for uveitis. Over the past…

Around the world with psoriasis

Why do indigenous populations of South American Andes and indigenous Australian Aboriginals have little to no psoriasis in their populations yet their climates and terrain are vastly different? We investigate the worldwide prevalence and incidence…

It’s not always in our genes

After years of pointing the finger at my genetic gene pool for the genesis of my psoriasis, I may have it all wrong. Previous studies have supported the case that there is a greater likelihood…