In this article you will learn about harmful xenobiotics that we may be exposed to every day and how and why it is vital that we remove them
- Reduce our exposure to 6 harmful toxic chemicals that are part of our everyday life
- Choose from 6 foods and supplements that will help detox heavy metals
- Create a personalised action plan to remove, reduce and replace Xenobiotics
- Be supported by our community with your action plan challenges
- Reduce the severity of psoriasis by chelation processes
Why this is important:
We may not know how long we have been burdened by toxins. What if everything we have previously tried to heal psoriasis has simply not worked because we had not yet cleaned up inside? The risk of not creating a detox action plan and taking steps to follow it, is that toxins will continue to build up.

The gut microbiome is now considered a new organ in the human body because it is important and affects our physiology beyond the gut to distant organs such as the liver, muscle, skin and brain. What happens when it’s not doing what it’s supposed to?
Toxicity of the gut microbiome is the missing link between environmental exposure to toxins and microbiome-related human diseases. Chemicals that are toxic to the microbiota in our gut were previously considered harmless and approved for use because science was not yet aware of the link. These environmental toxins are referred to as ‘xenobiotics’ which means they are chemicals that do not belong in our body.
Xenobiotics – let’s learn a bit about the enemy:
Antibiotics – Both short-term and long-term antibiotic treatments lead to gut microbiome toxicity, even though partial recovery may occur. In many cases, effects of antibiotics on our beneficial bacterial communities result in diversity loss and an imbalance of the bacterial communities. Antibiotic exposure has also been linked to obesity and diabetics. Aside from antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin (Disprin), ibuprofen (Nurofen), and diclofenac (such as Voltaren) also affect our gut microbiome.
Heavy metals – Arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, lead and nickel cause significant changes in the gut microbiome. Mercury, lead, chromium, cadmium, and arsenic have been the most common heavy metals that cause human poisonings. Acute or chronic poisonings may occur following exposure through water, air, some seafood, drinking water pipes, legacies of mining and toxic wastes, lead in paint and gasoline, ongoing emissions from industrial and electricity-generating (particularly coal-burning) activities, and food. Accumulation of these heavy metals in our body leads to toxic effects on a variety of body tissues and organs. The role of heavy metals in gut microbiome toxicity still remains underappreciated.
Pesticides – Herbicides like 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), which impact plant hormones, may affect gut bacteria because not only plants but also bacteria can synthesise plant hormones. 2,4-D is used in around 1500 herbicides as a weedkiller on cereal crops, pastures, and orchards and is the most widely used herbicide ingredient in Australia.
Likewise, the herbicide glyphosate which is present in Roundup and other weedkillers, is commonly present in human gut bacteria, and definitely not welcome there.
Artificial sweeteners – The level of toxicity that artificial sweeteners cause was not taken into consideration when they were approved for human consumption before our understanding of the gut microbiome. We know now that cyclamate, over used in food and beverages as a low calorie diet sweetener, can be metabolised by gut bacteria into cyclohexylamine, which is carcinogenic. The artificial sweeteners stevioside and xylitol can also be metabolised by the gut bacteria. Use of saccharin may be involved in the development of glucose intolerance. The artificial sweeteners acesulfame potassium, sucralose, aspartame, and neotame can trigger health implications including obesity and inflammation.
Nicotine – we all know this is bad.
Triclosan – this anti-bacterial chemical encourages antibiotic-resistant germs, alters hormones and impacts our microbiome, can be absorbed through our skin and is harmful to our immune system. Cleaning hands with soap and water, or with an alcohol sanitiser is a more effective option than antibacterial sanitiser that probably contains triclosan.
Chelation is a natural detoxification of heavy metals. Chelation, when used to detox heavy metals from our body, is the bond between our body’s organic molecules and metals. The process of Chelation binds a mineral ion into a complex structure with an organic molecule, the chelating agent. Our living body is full of chelators such as metallothioneins and glutathione which are the natural response of our body to toxic metals.
Some plants produce chelating compounds, and the beneficial metallothionein content of foods helps with the metabolism of toxic metals. Some plant foods reduce absorption of toxic metals and support our natural detoxification pathways by binding and eliminating.
Let’s look at some foods that can help us to chelate and detox the heavy metals from our gut:
Dietary fibres such as bran from grains as well as fruit, are considered useful for chelation because they can help restore the balance of intestinal flora and reduce levels of mercury in the brain and blood.
Natural adsorbents of heavy metals include algal polysaccharides alginate (agar from brown seaweed) and chlorella (a freshwater algae).
Garlic and other allium foods prevent kidney damage induced by cadmium and decrease the oxidative damage due to lead.
Broccoli and other brassica vegetables promote glutathione, a potent chelator.
Cilantro (coriander), enhances mercury excretion following exposure from dental amalgam removal. In animals, it decreases lead absorption into bone.
Case study
Through my adult life I have avoided the use of antibiotics and opted instead for juices and vitamin supplements to boost my immunity when I have had inflammation or infection. On the first few occasions where it was necessary for me to have antibiotics, I noticed flare ups of psoriasis. On other occasions where I had used antibiotic creams I had a similar experience, as well as itchy crawling sensations on my skin soon afterwards. This is because just like our gut, our skin also has a colony of microbiota that affect our psoriasis and are impacted by interferences which lead to imbalances. I now take probiotics (sauerkraut and fermented milk drinks) regularly that I feel will counteract the effects of antibiotics and other xenobiotics if ever I need them.

Our gut community is made up of trillions of microbiota, a perfectly designed human organ that links to skin, brain, liver, kidney and most organs. This means that the integrity, diversity, balance and well being of our gut ultimately affects the severity or reduction of psoriasis. The solution from today’s course is simple and well worth putting into action.
Journal activity for today
How can you achieve a healthier gut by removing toxins that aggravate psoriasis?
- What habits will you create or reduce or avoid Xenobiotics from your life?
- How can you include foods and supplements that chelate and detox your heavy metals without the need for extra money or time?
- What will be your biggest challenge when detoxing and what affirmation can you tell yourself to overcome this?
Action Plan activity
Create an action plan in your journal based on how you will deal with your exposure to toxins (Xenobiotics).
Choose, add and edit the actions that you want to include:
Antibiotics – reduce the need for antibiotics to treat infections and inflammation by boosting your immunity to become more resilient, and seek alternatives to infection or inflammation if this is possible for you. Antibiotic resistance is one of the major fears to human global health and it can affect anybody regardless of their age or geographical location.
Heavy metals – avoid environmental exposure by not exercising in areas with heavy vehicular traffic or machinery, if this is possible. Sadly, many of us work in these environments daily and therefore I have included bentonite clay in today’s facts and actions.
Pesticides – avoid using pesticide spray, or avoid as much as you possibly can being exposed to environments where pesticides are used. Avoid pesticides on the fruit and vegetables that you are being encouraged to eat lots of, by thoroughly washing these beforehand, growing your own, participating in community gardens or buying organic.
Artificial sweeteners – stop using them. Cane sugar is also harmful is many ways as a disruptor of our systems, but low sugar is a much safer option than artificial sweetener. Some of the previously popular artificial sweeteners were approved for consumption before their effect on our gut microbiome were understood.
Food additives – eat whole foods that are as close to their natural source as possible. Ask yourself would you rather a baked potato or a potato chip. The list of food additives is extensive and research about harmful effects of food additives is just the tip of the iceberg. Preservatives in food can be replaced by choosing fermented or dried versions instead.
Nicotine – just don’t.
Triclosan – Stop using anti-bacterial things whenever possible. Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical that has made its way into our soaps, shampoos and hand wash and is not necessary. Soap is just as good.
That was a lot of information to take in for one day but I hope it sticks and that you will find it easy to take action to detox. This worked for me and has become my way of life for which I am very grateful. I hope you will soon feel the same. I looking forward to sharing Friday’s course about detoxing.
Love your guts, Regi
Fact 1:
Tu, Pengcheng et al. “Gut Microbiome Toxicity: Connecting the Environment and Gut Microbiome-Associated Diseases.” Toxics vol. 8,1 19. 12 Mar. 2020, doi:10.3390/toxics8010019
Fact 2:
Sears, Margaret E. “Chelation: harnessing and enhancing heavy metal detoxification–a review.” TheScientificWorldJournal vol. 2013 219840. 18 Apr. 2013, doi:10.1155/2013/219840
Each week we cover a vital topic related to healing psoriasis. Posts are released on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and participation is free.