The best way to finish off this week’s PsoriasisLife Plan is to create a food plan to boost your recovery from psoriasis. I reveal the 7 foods to avoid and 7 foods to add that will make all the difference, and 3 food supplements that are beneficial to heal psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis – explained in detail with scientific backup and even an action plan and motivation to make these potentially big lifestyle changes.

With so much modern medicine available to treat diseases, why would a simple food plan help to relieve psoriasis?
Fact 1: What to include and what to leave out
These are the 7 villains. Based on first-hand accounts of the experiences of psoriasis patients and on the research of Dr John Pagano, there are 7 distinct offenders when dealing with psoriasis. Each can easily (and definitely should be) avoided:
Saturated fats such as red meats and processed
Smoking (I know, these aren’t really food!)
Processed foods
Fried foods
If you respond the way I do, you will be surprised at how your psoriasis improves in a matter of weeks by avoiding these foods. Study each culprit, record your response in your psoriasis journal and do yourself a favour by avoiding these.
These are the 7 good guys that can boost your ability to eliminate psoriasis:
Fresh water and plenty of it. 6 glasses a day or more and preferably with lemon juice
Vegetables, (particularly green leafy vegetables, and preferably raw), and tubers. The ratio of your vegetable intake should be 3 that grow above the ground to one that grows below the ground.
Fresh fruit because these are your body cleaners. (Be aware of your personal requirements if you experience candida, yeast-fungi overgrowth or need to control your blood sugar levels)
Fish, poultry and lamb as animal protein. Vegetarians may combine brown rice and beans to make a complete protein.
Probiotics with active cultures.
Olive oil, garlic and lemon juice (right there is a delicious salad dressing!)
Whole grain breads only, however only small portions
Fact 2: Supplements
More than 50% of inflammatory factors of psoriasis are decreased by curcumin treatment.
Taking tumeric
Consider including turmeric, the primary source of curcumin, in your daily diet. Clinical trials in humans indicate that the systemic bioavailability of orally administered curcumin is relatively low, meaning that the portion of curcumin that reaches your body systems, circulation and the site of the target tissue, is low.
You can improve the bioavailability of oral turmeric chosing curcumin supplements that contain piperine, a major component in black pepper, which increase the bioavailability of curcumin by inhibiting its metabolism.
How much turmeric is too much? Serious adverse effects have not been reported in humans taking high doses of curcumin, however there is potential for curcumin supplementation to increase the risk of bleeding in people taking anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications.
Tumeric in meal preparation
- Turmeric is a main ingredient in yellow Thai curry
- Turmeric and a kaffir lime leaf can be added to rice while it is cooking
- Turmeric tossed with roast vegetables adds colour
- Turmeric added to soups gives a rich and warm flavour
- Turmeric and ginger tea is delicious
Studies of psoriasis patients have linked more severe cases of psoriasis with a higher consumption of simple carbohydrates and saturated fats, and with a lower intake of protein, complex carbohydrates, MUFA, PUFA, and fibres.
In this research, the patients with more severe cases of psoriasis consumed more saturated fats and less monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).
Saturated fats
Saturated fats occur naturally in many foods and particularly from animal sources, including meat and dairy products. Examples of saturated fats are:
- fatty beef, lamb, pork (bacon)
- poultry with skin
- beef fat (tallow or lard)
- cream and butter
- cheese and other dairy products made from whole milk
In addition, many baked goods and fried foods can contain high levels of saturated fats.
Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA)
Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) are considered a healthy dietary fat, as opposed to saturated fatty acid. The most frequently consumed MUFA rich dietary oils is extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Traditionally, the beneficial effects of EVOO have been attributed to its high MUFA content (oleic acid), as it protects lipoproteins and cellular membranes from oxidative damage.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)
The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), mainly found in fish and nuts, provide protection against several chronic diseases such as psoriasis. Diets rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from fish oil have been associated with improvement of psoriasis in clinical trials by promoting an anti-inflammatory environment.
Fact 3: Simple carbs vs complex carbs
Research articles show that the patients with more severe cases of psoriasis consumed more simple carbohydrates and less complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates are sugars. While some of these occur naturally in milk, most of the simple carbs in the western diet are added to foods. Common simple carbs added to foods are:
- raw sugar
- brown sugar
- corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup
- glucose, fructose, and sucrose
- fruit juice concentrate
Complex carbohydrates consist mainly of fibre and starch. The main sources of dietary fibre and starch include:
- fruits
- vegetables
- nuts
- beans
- whole grains
In addition, food fibres also play an important role in decreasing system-wide inflammation, by decreasing the oxidative stress that is produced when there is a high intake of simple carbohydrate foods.
Fact 4: Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet may slow the progression of psoriasis. Yet another study from July 2018 demonstrates that this type of diet should be part of the multidisciplinary management of moderate to severe psoriasis. But wait, there’s more. An analysis of more than 1.5 million healthy adults showed that following a Mediterranean diet was linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. This is great news for us because the Mediterranean diet is a delicious way to eat and drink.
The Mediterranean diet is a delicious, healthy and affordable way to eat. Switching to this way of eating does not necessarily cost more as it is simply replacing certain foods. Here are some specific steps to get you started:
- Fruits and vegetables – plant foods should make up the majority of your diet and should be snacked on all day long.
- Whole grains – switch to whole grain flours, pastas, cereals and rice.
- Nuts – Snack on small amounts of almonds, cashews, pistachios and walnuts. Choose natural peanut butter, rather than the kind with hydrogenated fat added. Try tahini (blended sesame seeds) as a dip or spread for bread.
- Olive oil – oil is good if it is the right oil and for the Mediterranean diet, good quality olive oil stored correctly. This should replace butter, margarine and vegetable oils which are extracted in an extremely unhealthy way.
- Fish – eat fish at least once a week, but just not fried.
- Avoid red meat – Replace meat with fish or poultry. Definitely sausage, bacon and other high-fat meats.
- Dairy – If you feel you want to eat dairy, make it low fat.
- Wine – If your doctor approves, have a glass of red wine at dinner. If, however you are not an alcohol drinker there is no need to start. Dark red fruit juices are a nice substitute.

A diet regimen rich in MUFA and PUFA, fruits, vegetables, fibre, and with a reduced intake of saturated fats, simple carbohydrates, processed foods and sweetened drinks, should be recommended to reduce the severity of psoriasis. In a nutshell, keep up the MUFA, PUFA and fibre!
Create a food plan for healing psoriasis
- What will you do to switch to a Mediterranean diet?
- What are 3 good habits will you create to achieve a healthier style of eating?
- What are 3 bad habits will you let go of to achieve a healthier style of eating?
- How can you implement your food plan without the need for extra money or time?
- What affirmation can you tell yourself when you don’t immediately see the benefits of your new food habits?
Create an action plan in your journal based on following a food plan for healing psoriasis
Make a shopping list that includes the 7 beneficial foods that control, and eventually eliminate psoriasis.
Remove the 7 harmful food types. Consider throwing them away because you would not want to donate them to someone you care about!
Changing the way we eat, drink and smoke can be a big deal and I understand that. Visioning helps. Write a letter from your future self, one year from now, thanking your current self for that action you are taking now to make life better, healthier and with psoriasis under control. Attach a picture of a healthy psoriasis-free version of yourself to the letter. You will be amazed how this helps when your subconscious mind already believes this to be true.
Stock up on healthy alternatives to make it easy to drop the unhealthy habits.
My personal experience
I have always considered myself a healthy eater but was not aware that some whole foods can be detrimental to psoriasis such as the foods from the nightshade family, foods that may contain hidden pesticides and heavy metals, and using the wrong oils, in the wrong way. Here’s another important point that I learnt the hard way, after 3 years of persevering with a strict Mediterranean diet without getting the result that I expected for my effort. Our gut, or intestines, needs to be cleared and detoxed from years of build up on the internal lining to stop absorption of these toxins from entering our other body systems. This is why I began this week’s ‘Boost Gut Health To Control Psoriasis’ with 2 days of gut detoxing strategies.
I have always loved wine and realised that this needs to be controlled if my psoriasis is going to be controlled. I enjoyed alcohol because it felt like I was partying, when in fact I can party just as well dancing to nice music and drinking water, then doing it all again in the morning. I still have occasional alcoholic beverages but follow them up with probiotics to apologise to my microbiota!
I feel that if you follow the guidelines from this week’s 3 courses of action, you will already be on your way to controlling your psoriasis and will also reduce the risk of the associated diseases that people with psoriasis are exposed to such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression and stroke.
I hope that this week you have turned the corner and are enjoying every step of the way.
Barrea L, Nappi F, Di Somma C, Savanelli MC, Falco A, Balato A, Balato N and Savastano S.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Environmental Risk Factors in Psoriasis: The Point of View of the Nutritionist. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 743