The Dead Sea is a salt lake bordered by Jordan and Israel. Its surface and shores are 430.5 metres below sea level, and are Earth’s lowest elevation on land. It is one of the saltiest bodies of water on the planet, seven times saltier than ocean water. The lake’s water is 29% salt, mostly magnesium, and too salty to support life other than bacteria. Studies have shown that bathing in the Dead Sea reduces skin inflammation and promotes skin healing.
Bathing and sunbathing at the Dead Sea for four weeks resulted in:
- a decrease of Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) of 81%
- a 78% decrease in keratinocyte hyperplasia (where the keratinocytes would otherwise have an increased reproduction rate)
- almost total elimination of T lymphocytes from the epidermis, with a low number remaining in the dermis. (The presence of T lymphocytes in the epidermis triggers the psoriatic autoimmune response)
(Schiener R, 2007).
Dead Sea salt concentration is 29%. That is, roughly 340 grams of salt per litre of water and this dilution varies with rainfall. Oceans have a salt concentration of just 4%. All salts are not created equal, however. Only 4-8% of dead sea salt is sodium chloride, compared to ocean salt which is made up of 85% sodium chloride (Schiener R, 2007).
The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water on the face of the Earth, and also one of the lowest at about 430 metres below sea level. The Dead Sea is bordered by Israel and Jordan and is located in the Jordan Rift Valley, a long valley created by a geologic fault line. At around 100 metres below the surface, Dead Sea salt becomes so concentrated that it forms crystals that fall to the sea floor.
The Dead Sea salt content is a unique blend derived from rocks on the land that are eroded by rainwater. All rainwater contains some acids that form when carbon dioxide combines with water, creating a mild carbonic acid solution. These acids slowly break the rocks down over time, creating charged particles called ions that eventually find their way to the Dead Sea, oceans and other bodies of salt water through runoff.
Gaining benefits from the Dead Sea to treat your psoriasis can be achieved, in part, by soaking in the unique blend of salty brine (or a simulated version) in your own space. This is based on the assumption that fortnightly visits to Israel are not currently on your radar.
The benefits of bathing in Dead Sea salt solution are most likely related to the high magnesium content. Magnesium salts are known to bind water, influence the proliferation of keratinocytes in your epidermis and promote and repair the skin barrier (Proksch, E 2005).
The prevalent minerals in Dead Sea water are magnesium salts that are known to benefit inflammatory diseases. Research carried out by Proksch et al (Proksch, E 2005) examined the effectiveness of bathing in a salt that is rich in magnesium chloride from deep layers of the Dead Sea. The study used one of several commercially available mineral products harvested from the sea.
Volunteers with dry skin submerged one forearm for 15 minutes in a bath solution containing 5% Dead Sea salt. Their other arm was submerged in tap water as control. The skin condition of the volunteers was tested before and during the study, for skin hydration, roughness, and redness.
Here is what the research found in all test groups:
- Skin hydration was enhanced on the forearm treated with the Dead Sea salt which means the treatment moisturized the skin.
- Skin roughness and redness (indicators for inflammation) were significantly reduced after bathing in the salt solution.
This demonstrates that bathing in the salt solution was well tolerated, improved skin barrier function, enhanced stratum corneum hydration, and reduced skin roughness and inflammation(Proksch, E 2005).
Buy Dead Sea Salt
Dead Sea salt is harvested and made available commercially. The big challenge with buying the salt for use at home is determining how genuine the product is. The Dead Sea salt used in the study by Proksch is Mavena® Dermaline from Switzerland.
Make your own reconstructed Dead Sea salt
The minerals that have been found in the Dead Sea water are magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium; but the highest concentration is that of the electrolytes chloride and bromide. A composition of Dead Sea salt is listed below. At your own risk and at low cost, there is an opportunity to formulate your own blend of salts so that you can have regular bath soaks.
Magnesium chloride 31-35%
Potassium chloride 24-26%
Sodium chloride 4-8%
I will just end this article here abruptly since I have been overcome by the temptation of a book, salt bath and beverage. A magnesium bath soak is definitely a favourite thing.
Schiener R, Brockow T, Franke A, et al. Bath PUVA and saltwater baths followed by UV-B phototherapy as treatments for psoriasis: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Dermatol 2007;143:586-596.
Proksch, E. , Nissen, H. , Bremgartner, M. and Urquhart, C. (2005), Bathing in a magnesium‐rich Dead Sea salt solution improves skin barrier function, enhances skin hydration, and reduces inflammation in atopic dry skin. International Journal of Dermatology, 44: 151-157. doi:10.1111/j.1365-4632.2005.02079.